There is a battle for your heart, your love & affection,
your time & attention.
My little girl heart was always searching for someone who would love me forever, never leave me, and would fight for me EVEN though I was so broken, and felt unworthy of love or attention.
When I first met Bobby I could see from afar just how dang cute he was, and his super cool SHOES made me want to find out who this guy was. I could see he was no one messed with him. He was strong, a leader, loyal, sold out to everything he did. As captain of the football team and holding a few weight lifting records I caught glimpse of somebody who could KICK my brothers butt and save me from his abuse. I set my sights on him and hoped that he would love me forever, like me always, never leave me, and would fight for me. Four decades later I get moved to tears when I think of the gift God gave me….. Bobby was where God broke through to me as I came to know love and hope. God started showing me AND I STARTED BELIEVING….that maybe-oh-maybe I didn’t have to live my life broken. Because I didn’t have an intimate passionate love relationship with Jesus in the beginning I put all of my HOPE in Bobby. Hoping that he’d fix me and heal me. Hoping that he’d make me happy and he would never fail me.
We moved 2,000 away from everything familiar into a cold & an isolated season. The USAF took Bobby away most days and I found myself alone… alone with my brokenness, and I didn’t have a clue what to do with myself. School kept me busy but life was not going my way. I was so lonely, and longing for a life with purpose & pleasure & passion & realized that my Bobby was NOT my Source or the Provider who was able to deliver what I needed & wanted.
He couldn’t be the hub of my life the one I lived for
I remember being so angry with Bobby because he was gone all the time and there I was alone so I packed my bags, and headed for the door when he asked me “Where are you going? He got my attention as I realized…
I had NO place to go… NO place to run… NO home to go back to.
I was alone and broken and without options.
I sat my suitcase down and sat there on the steps crying without hope & so broken. My childhood was so dysfunctional, & now I found myself helpless to escape my disappointment, and a life I didn’t want to life.
My hope for a future was so hidden from me.
I was young, and didn’t even realize thatGod was FIGHTING for my heart!!
God was ready to RESCUE me!!
- When I was so lost, my mind was broken and I didn’t know how to go on He LOVED me & RESCUED me!
- In my darkest night, consumed by my greatest doubt, He made Himself KNOWN to me.
What I didn’t know is I had to MAKE a heart change.
This change didn’t require a healed and sound mind.
I cried out and He was listening!
The changed heart that God was offering me was an invitation to live a LIFE THAT WORKS! One that was Abundant & miraculous, FULL of passion, peace & purpose! I’m here to testify to the goodness of the Lord! His Word is true & His promises are sure. Surely goodness & mercy follow me all of the days of my life, and what He’s done for me HE WILL DO FOR YOU! It’s been 40+ years since I said YES to the Love of my Life & seen Him always faithful. My heart belongs to Him & my life tells His story.
God wants an EXCULSIVE love relationship with YOU!
- That is just the way He created us to flourish.
- That is exactly what you & I were meant to be!
- That is God’s heart towards you, and for me.
Life does not work any other way. He is fighting for your heart today. Coming to know Jesus personally is where we begin. It’s in our day to day life, our struggles, our brokenness, our loneliness & rejection, our sickness & disappointments that
He will never stop fighting for you!
Standing up for you!
Lighting up the darkness that has kept you apart from from Him!
Marinate in God’s love for you!
He is your Champion! He’s the One and only who will defeat all your enemies, annihilate what comes against you, defend you, make a way for you, never leave you. He alone is the Source of Life. He is the One and only who created you and died for you so that your sins can be forgiven and you can spend forever in His presence. Nobody loves you like He does. Nobody can meet your every need, make you eternally happy, give you Abundant Life! Nobody! Nobody but Jesus.
God is not only the hub of the universe
of YOUR heart!!
Here’s to you who want to live a life that works and love the life you live!
I find myself smiling at the thought of how God is going to show up for you… like He did me. Ohhhhh what a sweet life!