It’s so interesting that there are just some people we can just turn off the minute they start to speak. Right? Even when we are fussing with someone and we just shut down when they talk.
Then there are those people we don’t even know that for whatever reason we have attached value without even knowing them we want to hear what they have to say. I’ve heard that people of influence are thought to be successful, wealthy, happily married, raised kids who are just like them. Most people want to hear what influential people have to say because they value what they see in their lives.
Then there are our mothers… after all these years I can hear her voice in my head when I dust. In case you didn’t know dusting without picking up each piece, dusting it, and dusting under it is NOT considered dusting. Do you have voices in your head like that? It’s kind of fun sometimes and then other times not so much.
Bobby = the human who has been my Superman, Wise Counsel, Heavy Lifter. He’s been the one who has the answers to my questions and one of my favorite voices inside my head.
- When I pull in my beautiful Bronze Audi into a parking space… I either hear his voice in my head saying “I like this or you’re gonna get the door dinged”
- When I am buying strawberries to put in his tea, salad, fruit salad, and anything else I can I see him smile and enjoy the fruit of my labor.
- As I sit and drink my coffee and eat bacon every morning that he fixed for me I know that he does it because He loves me and he knows what I like and he wants to make me happy
His voice in my head isn’t always what I want to hear. I just want to acknowledge that because of our relationship & the way we love I lean in and listen up because I love him and value our relationship.

There have been more times than not if I didn’t listen to Bobby I was going to regret it! May 2019 we went on an Alaskan Adventure where we met Denver and Dewy. Bobby being the experienced horseman and I being the amateur we were matched with horses of the same. Big Bobby rode Denver. Denver being the kind of horse that carries the heavy load and leads seemed perfectly fitting! I rode Dewy. Dewy was gentle(totally NOT me), always trying to eat, and totally into getting as close to Denver as possible! They were best friends and inseparable. It was like Dewey was moving with Denvers thoughts. Reminded me a lot of me… I’d follow my Bobby anywhere! I know his love for God is the protective hedge and the abundant provision that is ever-sweet, all-powerful, and never-ending. He hears from God and if God is speaking to the people in my life… I WANT TO KNOW WHAT HE IS SAYIN’!
I was as thankful for Bobby as Dewey was for Denver.
Do you want to move to His thoughts….
Go ahead. Ask yourself WHY you listen to the people you listen to? As I asked myself that question I concluded that my relationship to them matters, or maybe it’s their wisdom or experiences, their successes or insight on SOMETHING that interests or matters to me.
Why wouldn’t someone want to hear from God? Only they can answer that, but if you want an intimate passionate love relationship with Him YOU HAVE TO HEAR FROM HIM!
It is IMPOSSIBLE to have a heart for God and have
ZERO desire to hear from Him.
God speaks to us so that we will KNOW HIM! Knowing Him intimately is where we meet Him and He becomes real in our everyday lives. So understand this…. He is always speaking with the desire for you will lean in, and find Him.
When you do He can bring you life abundant =
life to the fullest= giving you every good thing = make you wise =
fill you with peace & purpose & passion like ONLY HE CAN DO!
It is vitally important to:
- learn how to listen to God
- know that He is speaking
Unless I learn to hear Him for myself my relationship with Him is hindered, and
I am not able to live a life that works or dream of.

God’s Word written & spoken verbally or visually are life changing to those who consumes, ingests them= take them & makes them apart of themself will find joy & experience their hearts delight! WOW! If you KNOW God, then you KNOW His heart for you, and He had Divinely orchestrated your life so that He can speak to you…..
- Life is different
- We are changed
- No Longer the same
- Relationship with Jesus is built
- I hear Him more
- I see Him more
- I have an expectation that He is going to reveal Himself to me
- I have confidence that grows as my relationship grows
- I feel seen, heard, cared for, empowered, passionate, and have a sense of purpose
Search yourself…
Do you loooong to hear from God?
If you don’t have a desire to hear from God check your relationship because it is not He isn’t speaking. If your relationship with Jesus is intimate and you know that He is speaking but you just can’t hear Him take your thoughts captive that tell you He isn’t there, not listening, doesn’t care, isn’t going to make Himself known to you and bind them in Jesus name! Invite His Holy Spirit to silent the liar and all that keeps you disconnected and distant from God! Thank Him for doing what needs to be done and invite Him to take His rightful place in your heart, your mind and your life! That will clear the way for you to have a new and fresh start. He’s waiting for you…. you won’t be disappointed when you put your trust in Him.